Louisville Kentucky Police arrested a suspected graffiti tagger after he posted images a graffiti on highway grade signs and highway billboards on his Instagram account. After the arrest, the suspect admitted to graffiti tagging the a State Highway Sign and is suspected of graffiti tagging of a highway billboard along I-65 north.
Graffiti is not a victimless crime. Graffiti damage to the highway signage was estimated to cost $5,000. The graffiti tagger is also suspected in tagging the brick wall of a restaurant with an estimated repair cost of $2,500. Often graffiti taggers share images of their graffiti on social media. Social media can be an effective tool to identify graffiti tagging suspects and also to help confirm responsibility during court proceedings. Because of the tendency of graffiti taggers to share their tags, the quick removal of graffiti is essential to discouraging future graffiti attacks. How to remove Graffiti from traffic signs5 Simple DIY Steps to Remove Graffiti from Traffic Signs. Traffic Signs are very delicate so extra care needs to be taken to remove the graffiti tag without damaging the delicate signage. Anti-Graffiti Films protect signage substrates and allow graffiti to be easily removed. Step 1: Spray Clean City Pro Green Label Graffiti Remover or Clean City Pro Yellow Label Graffiti Remover. Step 2: Allow short dwell time of 10 to 30 seconds Step 3: Swirl gently with soft rag or paper towel. Step 4: Wipe surface clean with dry, absorbent rag. Step 5: For the best results, rinse with water or wipe down with wet rag. Repeat as necessary. Note: For traffic signage protected with a anti-graffiti coating such as 3M Anti-Graffiti Film or Avery Dennison Anti-Graffiti Film, Clean City Pro Red Label Graffiti Remover can be used without fear of damaging the underlying delicate substrate. 3 Simple Steps to Remove Graffiti from Brick. Step 1: Spray, pour or brush Clean City Pro Red Label Graffiti Remover or Clean City Pro Blue Label Gel Graffiti Remover onto graffiti tag. Step 2: Allow a moderate dwell time of 5 to 15 minutes Note: A longer or shorter dwell time is possible depending on conditions. If spray paint is highly saturated, the brick is highly porous or the temperature is cold, allow for a longer dwell time. Step 3: Pressure wash using a wide, fan tip pressure washing nozzle such as 25 degree green tip. Repeat if necessary. Clean City Pro Blue Label Gel Graffiti Remover is a fast, effective and safe heavy duty graffiti remover for removing Spray Paint and Permanent Marker from porous surfaces including Concrete, Brick, limestone, stone, Rock and other difficult surfaces.
Community volunteers, police officers, firefighters, and park district staff came together in Duluth, MN for a Community Graffiti Action Clean-Up Day to Help eliminate the blight of graffiti and graffiti tagging in the urban center.
Graffiti Action Days are innovative volunteer graffiti removal events that empower the community to reclaim their neighborhood from the visual blight of graffiti. They can make a significant and tangible impact on the appearance of a targeted commercial corridor, park or neighborhood plagued by graffiti. Graffiti Action Days are typically spearheaded by Municipalities, Neighborhood Organizations, Schools, Aldermanic Offices, Chambers of Commerce, or Block Clubs. Volunteers can quickly and safely remove hundreds of graffiti tags armed with the highly-innovative, highly-effective, highly-green Clean City Pro Green Label Graffiti Remover. During the two-hour events, volunteers report personally cleaning an estimated 30 to 50 tags. Clean City Pro Green Label Graffiti Remover is highly environmentally-friendly and therefore very safe to work with. It is fast acting and can completely remove most tags within a couple minutes without impacting the underlying surface. Because Clean City Pro Green Label Graffiti Remover is safe enough to be used by non-professionals, a group of volunteers armed with spray bottles, sponges and buckets of water can effectively remove the majority of the graffiti in a commercial corridor on non-porous surfaces including signs, mailboxes, newspaper boxes, meter boxes and lamp posts. Large graffiti tags on brick, concrete or other porous surfaces require removal with a pressure washer and heavy duty Clean City Pro Blue Label Gel Graffiti Remover. Alternatively, painting over large graffiti tags is an option for this type of graffiti. Often graffiti action volunteers will encounter street art while removing graffiti. It is not necessary to remove street art. Street art has been demonstrated to improve the urban environment, unlike graffiti tags which blight it. So what is the difference between Street Art and Graffiti Tagging? 1. Street Art is constructive, Graffiti Tagging is destructive. 2. Street Art adorns the urban landscape, Graffiti Tagging scars it and accelerates urban decay. 3. Street Art is about the audience, Graffiti Tagging is about the tagger. Fast and Easy Step-by-step guide for how to Remove Graffiti from Painted Metal Newspaper Box using Clean City Pro Green Label Graffiti Remover. Step 1: Spray Clean City Pro Green Label Graffiti Remover onto graffiti tag Step 2: Allow short dwell time of 20 to 100 seconds. Sharpie or permanent marker will break within 15 seconds. Paint marker will break within 30 to 60 seconds. Grease pen will break within 2 minutes and agitation will assist the removal as the grease chunks break free. Spray paint will break within 60 seconds to two minutes. Step 3: Scrub lightly with scouring pad Step 4: Rinse clean with water or wet rag. Ugly racist graffiti was spray painted on the brick wall of a United States Post Office in the Bronx, New York. The racist graffiti outraged the community. The post office is across the street from a neighborhood park and playground. The graffiti tags were spray painted onto a red brick wall and onto a metal painted door. The police are conducting a investigation. There is hope that surveillance cameras will provide the information necessary to identify the graffiti vandal and bring him to justice. Surveillance cameras provide a critical role in identifying graffiti vandals and evidence in criminal hearings.
Rapid graffiti removal is essential to deter future graffiti attacks. Graffiti removal must be complete without leaving a graffiti shadow, or damaging the surface. 3 Simple Steps to Remove Graffiti from Brick. Step 1: Spray, pour or brush Clean City Pro Red Label Graffiti Remover or Clean City Pro Blue Label Gel Graffiti Remover onto graffiti tag. Step 2: Allow a moderate dwell time of 5 to 15 minutes Note: A longer or shorter dwell time is possible depending on conditions. If spray paint is highly saturated, the brick is highly porous or the temperature is cold, allow for a longer dwell time. Step 3: Pressure wash using a wide, fan tip pressure washing nozzle such as 25 degree green tip. Repeat if necessary. Clean City Pro Blue Label Gel Graffiti Remover is a fast, effective and safe heavy duty graffiti remover for removing Spray Paint and Permanent Marker from porous surfaces including Concrete, Brick, limestone, stone, Rock and other difficult surfaces. 5 Simple Steps to Remove Graffiti from Painted Metal Door. 5 Simple Steps to Remove Graffiti from Painted metal Door. Five Simple Steps to Remove Graffiti from a Painted Metal Surfaces such as a metal door. Step 1: Spray Clean City Pro Red Label Graffiti Remover or Clean City Pro Green Label Graffiti Remover. Step 2: Allow short dwell time of 10 to 30 seconds Step 3: Swirl gently with mild scouring pad Step 4: Wipe surface clean with dry, absorbent rag. Step 5: For the best results, rinse with water or wipe down with wet rag. Notes: When removing graffiti from a heavily painted surface, less delicate removal is required, as the substrate is painted with multiple layers of the same color. Additionally, with elements such as the traffic pole below, perfection is less important than speedy and complete graffiti removal. For more information, check out our Best Practices in Graffiti Removal page, our Graffiti Removal Selection page or our Tips and Techniques for Graffiti Removal page. Tools for Graffiti Removal from Brick, Concrete and other Porous Surfaces
For more information, check out our Best Practices in Graffiti Removal page, our Graffiti Removal Selection page or our Tips and Techniques for Graffiti Removal page. A 21 year old University of Delaware student was arrested for 82 charges related to graffiti crimes. The charges include 38 counts of graffiti and 37 counts of graffiti implements. His graffiti tagging spree has lasted approximately 6 months on campus and in Newark. Graffiti tags were spray painted onto brick buildings, plastic garbage dumpsters and plastic porta-potties. The suspect was brought to justice after a police investigation that includes surveillance camera footage, information provided by witnesses, and police vigilance. Active policing and enforcement directly results in decreased instances of graffiti. Also, widespread publicity around the arrest of a well-known and prolific graffiti tagger can have a chilling deterrent effect on other graffiti taggers in the community. The cost of graffiti to communities is significant. The appearance of blight drives down commerce and drives up the cost of graffiti removal. Cities are forced to reallocate dollars for improvements to graffiti abatement. It is an essential graffiti removal best practice that graffiti be removed as quickly as possible after a graffiti attack. Step-by-step instructions for removing Graffiti from Rough Surfaces STEP-BY-STEP APPLICATION BEST PRACTICES for Removing Graffiti from Concrete, Brick using Clean City Pro Heavy Duty Blue Label Gel Graffiti Remover. 1. City Pro Heavy Duty Blue Label Gel Graffiti Remover is for use on non-sensitive surfaces such as brick concrete, stone and other difficult surfaces. If using on sensitive surfaces, always test in inconspicuous area before use. 2. Use chemical resistant gloves & goggles. 3. Spray or brush graffiti remover onto affected area. (Ready-to-use. No dilution necessary) 4. Control drips using nylon or wire brush 5. Allow dwell time from 10 to 20 minutes (longer in cold temps) 6. Warmer temperatures, hot water, and agitation with wire brush increase effectiveness 7. Rinse with pressure washer using even, slow passes. Use 15° fan tip or wider. 8. Repeat if necessary. Step-by-step instructions for removing Graffiti from Plastic garbage Toters. Five Simple Steps to Remove Graffiti from Plastic Garbage Toters. Step 1: Spray Clean City Pro Red Label Graffiti Remover or Clean City Pro Green Label Graffiti Remover Step 2: Allow short dwell time of 10 to 30 seconds Step 3: Swirl gently with mild scouring pad Step 4: Wipe surface clean with dry, absorbent rag. Step 5: For the best results, rinse with water or wipe down with wet rag. Step-bystep instructions for how to remove Graffiti from Bathrooms and Portable Toilets. Five Simple Steps to Remove Graffiti from Bathrooms and Portable Toilets Step 1: Spray Clean City Pro Red Label Graffiti Remover or Clean City Pro Green Label Graffiti Remover Step 2: Allow short dwell time of 10 to 30 seconds Step 3: Swirl gently with mild scouring pad Step 4: Wipe surface clean with dry, absorbent rag. Step 5: For the best results, rinse with water or wipe down with wet rag. For more information, check out our Best Practices in Graffiti Removal page, our Graffiti Removal Selection page or our Tips and Techniques for Graffiti Removal page. After racist graffiti tags were spray painted on a building which sells products made by minority artists, the Boston Herald published an editorial calling for more aggressive defence against graffiti. Included in their recommendations to reduce graffiti were an increase in fines and harsher penalties for graffiti tagging. They recommend security cameras as there are documented cases where graffiti taggers were brought to justice after being filmed by security cameras. According to a 2016 Department of Justice report, “There are huge public costs associated with graffiti: An estimated $12 billion a year is spent cleaning up graffiti in the United States. Graffiti contributes to lost revenue associated with reduced ridership on transit systems, reduced retail sales and declines in property value. In addition, graffiti generates the perception of blight and heightens fear of gang activity.” Clean City Pro Red Label Graffiti Remover is a fast, effective and safe heavy duty graffiti remover for removing Spray Paint from Brick. 3 Simple Steps for graffiti removal from Brick. Step 1: Spray, pour or brush Clean City Pro Red Label Graffiti Remover or Clean City Pro Blue Label Gel Graffiti Remover onto graffiti tag. Step 2: Allow a moderate dwell time of 5 to 30 minutes Note: A longer or shorter dwell time is possible depending on conditions. If spray paint is highly saturated, the brick is highly porous or the temperature is cold, allow for a longer dwell time. Step 3: Pressure wash using a wide, fan tip pressure washing nozzle such as 25 degree green tip. Repeat if necessary. For more information, check out our Best Practices in Graffiti Removal page, our Graffiti Removal Selection page or our Tips and Techniques for Graffiti Removal page. The Village of Odell Illinois, located along historic Route 66 has been struck by multiple graffiti attacks. The vandalism has cause frustration and anger within the community and a community leader has offered a $300 cash reward for information that leads to the arrest of the vandals.
According to local police, graffiti is typically charged as criminal defacement of property. For incidents that don't exceed $500 in damages, this is considered a Class A misdemeanor. Multiple instances of criminal defacement can increase the charge to a Class 4 felony. In smaller communities, cash rewards can help to lead to the identification and arrest of the graffiti taggers. Additionally, the potential for fines and criminal proceedings can help to deter future graffiti attacks. Speedy removal of graffiti tags is essential in reducing the frequency of graffiti attack. The sooner the graffiti tag is removed, the less likely the graffiti taggers is to repeat the attack at that location. For graffiti tag removal from metal siding, Clean City Pro Green Label Graffiti Remover is ideal. Clean City Pro Green Label Graffiti Remover is a medium strength graffiti remover designed for painted surfaces like metal siding, painted fences and doors, plastics, and other surfaces. Clean City Pro green Label Graffiti Remover is a fast, effective and safe medium duty graffiti remover for removing Spray Paint, Permanent Marker, adhesive & stickers from a Wide Range of smooth Surfaces including Painted Metal, Plastics, trains, buses, vehicles, panel trucks, bumpers, playgrounds, bathroom partitions, mail boxes, benches, and much more. Step-by-step instructions for removing Graffiti from Smooth Surfaces APPLICATION BEST PRACTICES FOR REMOVING GRAFFITI FROM SMOOTH SURFACES using Clean City Pro Medium Duty Green Label Graffiti Remover. 1. Always test in inconspicuous area before use. 2. Use chemical resistant gloves and ventless goggles. 3. Spray Clean City Pro graffiti remover onto affected area. (Ready-to-use. No dilution necessary) 4. Prevent drips using non-scratch scouring pad, microfiber, cotton rag or soft paper towel. 5. Allow dwell time (from 30 seconds to 3 min). Note warmer ambient temperature and scrubbing increase speed of graffiti removal. 6. As soon as graffiti tag bond with substrate "breaks", lightly loosen paint with non-scratch scouring pad, microfiber, cotton rag or soft paper towel. The quicker the process, the less likely there will be any paint loss from substrate. 7. Wipe clean with dry rag or towel. 8. Rinse with water or wipe with wet rag to remove any remaining graffiti residue. For more information, check out our Best Practices in Graffiti Removal page, our Graffiti Removal Selection page or our Tips and Techniques for Graffiti Removal page. Community Graffiti Clean Up Day to Remove Graffiti Tags from Park in Watsonville, California4/21/2018 Local artists and students in Watsonville, California organized a community graffiti removal clean up day. The effort helped to remove extensive graffiti from the local park located close to the local school. By painting murals, the organizers hope to change the atmosphere in the park and discourage future graffiti attacks. Graffiti was painted over metal fences, concrete and other surfaces. Mural painting is a excellent way to remove graffiti. But the effort must be ongoing. Graffiti taggers will soon return and vandalize again. The community must be prepared to quickly remove the new graffiti. The more quickly, the new graffiti is removed, the less likely the taggers are to return. After a few cycles where the community can quickly remove the new graffiti, taggers are likely to move on to less aggressively protected sites. To remove new graffiti, fresh paint is always an option, especially if the spot has been painted before. For murals, a best practice is to apply an anti-graffiti coating, either sacrificial, semi-sacrificial, or a permanent nano anti-graffiti coating. This protects the murals against graffiti attack and makes future graffiti removal from their surface possible without damaging the original mural itself. For graffiti removal from murals protected by sacrificial, semi-sacrificial, or permanent nano anti-graffiti coatings, the best graffiti remover is Clean City Pro Red Label graffiti remover. Clean City Pro Red Label graffiti remover is a fast, safe, effective full strength graffiti remover. Clean City Pro Red Label graffiti remover is designed to remove graffiti tags from sacrificial, semi-sacrificial, or permanent nano anti-graffiti coatings. Clean City Pro Red Label graffiti remover is also excellent for removing graffiti from metal, concrete, brick, stone, sidewalks, painted surfaces, plastics, and much more. For more information, check out our Best Practices in Graffiti Removal page, our Graffiti Removal Selection page or our Tips and Techniques for Graffiti Removal page. A three month old exterior mural depicting the history of the historic Music Box movie theater located in the 3700 block of Southport Avenue was hit by a graffiti attack. The mural, painted on stucco, had been sealed with a clear coat varnish. However, the varnish was unable to protect the mural and the mural, which took over 40 hours to paint, is now damaged beyond repair.
Murals play an important role as street art and to beautify the urban street environment. They often can reduce the frequency of graffiti tagging on a particular wall or commercial corridor. However, after completion, murals should be coating with an anti-graffiti clear coating. This step is essential to protect the mural against graffiti attack. Additionally, Clean City Pro Yellow Label or Clean City Pro Green label can be used to attempt to remove the spray paint graffiti tag without damaging the underlying mural surface. A clear coating will help to prevent the graffiti remover from removing the mural paint. Two individuals are in custody in Essex, Vermont following a graffiti attack in which a car was spray painted with a series of homophobic slurs and obscene images.
5 Simple Steps to Remove Graffiti from Cars. Step 1: Apply Clean City Pro Green Label Graffiti Remover. Step 2: Allow short dwell time of 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Step 3: Swirl gently with soft rag, paper towel, or non-scratch souring pad sponge. Step 4: Wipe surface clean with dry, absorbent rag. Step 5: For the best results, rinse with water or wipe down with wet rag. Repeat as necessary. Notes: Work in small sections at a time. This allows you to fully complete one section before moving on. Better control or drips, better control over dwell time and better results. |
Clean CityPro
Clean City Pro is dedicated to providing the safest, most effective Green Graffiti Removers to help keep our cities clean of graffiti. Archives
July 2019